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Description: The Zillmere Hall is a stand-alone brick and timber hall, located at 52 Murphy Road, Zillmere.

The venue is accessible by public transport, bus stop ‘Dunsford Street, stop 45’ is located at the front of the hall. There is limited on-site parking near the front entrance, with one accessible parking space, and street parking is available a short distance from the hall.

At this venue all doors both internal and external are manual doors and are a minimum of 0.9 metres wide. Handrails and tactile ground surface indicators are provided on all entry stairs and accessible ramps at the venue. Inside, all areas have polished timber flooring except for the kitchen, amenities, table and chair storeroom and entryway which have vinyl flooring. The hall is air-conditioned and has ceiling fans.

At the front of the hall is an accessible ramp, providing access to the front entry from the parking spaces. Entry to the hall is through a glass and aluminium door. A PIN is required for access using the black PIN reader to the right of this door.

The front entry opens into a corridor. At the end of the corridor, on the right, is an archway leading into the main hall space.

To the right of the main hall entrance is a stage, running along the front wall. Stage stairs are at the front right of the stage. The hall features an audio-visual system, including projector, speakers and induction hearing loop system. The audio-visual controls are located in the front left corner of the stage. The hall also features a piano. The hall can accommodate up to 134 people.

Immediately to the left of the entry into the main hall space is a grey door that opens to the table and chair storeroom. These tables fold down and have wheels to make them easier to move and store. Approximately 3/4 down the left hand side of the hall is a grey door that provides access to the kitchen and cleaning storeroom.

Entering through this door, the cleaning storeroom is immediately to the left through a grey sliding door and the kitchen is to the right. The kitchen has a cooktop and oven which is used for reheating food only, a benchtop microwave, double sink and a boiling and chilled water tap. The kitchen also has a servery window that connects to the main hall. The sink is wheelchair accessible. Returning to the main hall space at the rear of the hall is an archway leading to the amenities corridor which runs along the back of the hall.

Immediately to the right of the archway in the corridor is a light blue door opening to a unisex accessible toilet with left hand transfer.

The unisex accessible toilet has a duress alarm and has a baby change table.

Following the corridor to the left, the first light blue door on the right opens to male toilets. The second light blue door on the right opens to female toilets. Both male and female toilets have an ambulant toilet with assistance rails. All toilets feature braille signage adjacent to each door.

This concludes the tour of Zillmere Hall.